Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Macintyres- A Bittersweet Birthday

Ella Macintyre is a little emotional.  Her and Tucker have planned a birthday in the park for their youngest, Simon tomorrow, as he's turning 1, and Ella can't seem to hold it together. Simon's birth was extremely difficult, and the doctors had had to do a C-section and damaged her uterus in their urgency to get the baby out.  They told Ella she won't be able to have any more kids.  This hasn't bothered her much until recently, as Simon's first birthday grew closer, and now she finds herself savoring every little moment of his babyhood, saddenned as she watches his little baby chub grow leaner and taller into a toddler. She supposes most women go through this transition knowing that there's always the possibility of having another- it's more difficult when you know for sure that this is the last time.

She tries to take her mind off of this by going to get her daughter Addison dressed for the party in her cutest little dress.

For his first birthday, Simon gets a strange looking doll named Bubbles from his great Aunt Frannie. Ella sticks it in Simon's crib.

Ella makes apple pancakes, a family favorite, for this special day.  They never hurt when you need cheering up, either.

Addy chowes down on her pancakes and babbles. She's such a happy girl.

Max and Ella finish up their breakfast while Tucker showers and tends to Simon.

Then the family heads out to Central Park- they've rented the location exclusively today to have the party, should be a fun day!

Here's the picnic area of the park all set up for Simon's birthday party! 

The guests start to arrive, and Ella gets to know Scarlett Bell and her husband a little better, and Tucker talks it up with Mark McCallister.  Max's little friend Audrey Washington is apparently sick with the flu- he hangs out with the McCallister girls. 

A pic of the party in full swing:

The time has come for Simon to become a toddler! 

Here's Simon! He's got his Daddy's blonde hair and his Mom's eyes, and the little tyke is pretty sleepy after such a busy day.

Tucker cuts the cake and all the guests gather round for a slice. Simon gets it all over his face.

Max plays a game of hopscotch with Avery's dad James, who he thinks is pretty cool, after the sun goes down.

A late-arriver at Simon's birthday party is Rishelle Glenister, Ella's friend.  She has some news! (spoiler alert!) She's excited to tell Ella that she's pregnant, with her 4th child! Apparently this one wasn't exactly planned, but they're thrilled regardless.

Before heading home, Simon gets some snuggles from his mom. She whispers to him how precious he is to her, and tells him not to grow up too fast.

When the family cleans up and goes home for the night, they decide to move Simon's crib out of Ella and Tucker's bedroom, and upstairs into his big brother Max's third floor bedroom.  Max is excited to have his brother as a bunkmate, he loves him to death!

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